Avoid making cold calls or going out to network?
Get tongue-tied and not know what to say?
Feel like you’re constantly pushing your product onto others and no one is buying?
Feel anxious when you need to ask for the sale?
Get frustrated and have a hard time dealing with rejection?
Often find it difficult to deal with uncomfortable conversations?
Lack resilience and determination when things get tough?
Each day technically brilliant and smart people are hired to do great things in their jobs. But then comes the dreaded sales part, when they are expected to hit those KPIs and targets, without having been taught how. An IT Consultant at a consulting firm may have all the necessary skills to analyze how computer systems work within a company. But do they have the necessary skills to negotiate a deal once they make it to partner? A recruitment consultant may have the people skills, but needs to know how to pick up the phone and market their job seeker. Or an entrepreneur who just quit a secure job and has to go out and hustle.
This is not your typical sales coaching training where it just teaches you sales techniques, but digs deeper into the core issue, which all starts with mindset. We teach you psychological and NLP techniques in how to deal with rejection, resilience and develop the mindset to set you up for success. As well as all the sales and communication techniques that will drive growth, whether it's through your own business or KPIs at work.
This program was designed specifically for those who are not your typical salespeople, but may have to sell, build relationships or influence as part of their job.