Learn how to reverse market effectively and help more people into work at our 2.5-hour masterclass. We will not hold back and give you all the tools, frameworks, and scripts of how to strategically engage with more employers.

What most employment consultants love about our training sessions, is we don't just give you a concept, but step by step instructions, and a blueprint that you can easily implement the very next day.

What you will get out of this webinar

  • Strategies for creating jobs for job seekers facing challenges in finding employment.

  • How to incorporate job carving into your reverse marketing strategy.

  • Techniques for effectively marketing job seekers to potential employers through job carving.

  • Develop ways to understand the business gaps and needs.

  • Create a job seeker job carving management plan, in order to market them to the employer.

  • Learn how to make cold calls. Have a job carving conversation that grabs the employer’s attention and starts the job carving discussion.

  • Walk away with a script for job carving (phone, face to face, and email.)

  • Bonus: 32 page workbook download with material, job creation frameworks, and scripts.


  • How does it work?

    You will have full access to the webinar recording to watch in your own time

  • Does this course ever expire?

    Yes, it expires 1 year from when you purchase.

  • What happens after I make payment?

    You will receive an automated email with a welcome email and instructions on how to log in and set your password.

  • Can more than one person access this course?

    Unfortunately not. Each purchase is for one user with their own unique login details. Sharing passwords, or login details with others will result in the user getting kicked out of the portal. We use AI that tracks irregular IP usage.